Our Missionaries

Craig (originally from Hazleton) & Yadith (originally from Colombia) have been married since 2009, serving as missionaries to Colombia since 2012. Click here to visit their ministry's website.

What We're Doing

Based on the gifts and abilities of the team, the specific work we do in Colombia will be arranged when the team is in place. Construction, children's ministry, prayer ministry, and women's ministry are common components. Later, you can click the icon above for an itinerary. Click here to view our missionary's comments on what to expect.

Pre-trip Schedule

The pre-trip schedule is being constructed now. It will involve one meeting per month each month prior to departure. As the trip draws closer, some additional meetings will be scheduled based on ministry prep needs. Click the icon above for access to the current schedule.

Team Guidelines

All healthy missions teams work cooperatively and within expected guidelines. These guidelines will help us put the focus & effort where it most belongs - preparing our hearts and preaching the gospel. Click the icon above for access to full guidelines.

Trip Cost Breakdown

The current projected cost for the trip is $1,700. This is dependent on airfare, which can't be finalized until early March. Projection is based on current market trends for single-ticket reservations. Click the icon above for a full cost breakdown.

Trip Payment Schedule

In order to help team members plan, prepare, and  breathe easier on the financial end, we've created a payment schedule. A $150 registration is required to join the team. Payment dates, as well as suggestions and help with fundraising, are included. Click the link above for more info.

Meet the team.

As team members are added, they will appear here. Check back to see who's traveling and how you can connect with them.

Scott Winter

Pastor & Team Leader

Future Team Member


Future Team Member


Future Team Member