Download the trip cost breakdown here

Universal Expenses

Cost may change based on group rates available in early March when airfare can be booked.
Covers all in-country costs: food, lodging, transportation, etc. These arrangements are made by Craig Stirling in Colombia, not by Berwick AG.
Allows for ministry expenses beneficial to team development and deployment, including funds to disperse in-country.
Total price based on current airfare projections. In-country and ministry costs will not change.

Individual Expenses

This reflects the cost of a new passport book for an adult (16+ yrs) as found on the Dept. of State website
The reflects the cost of a renewed passport book for an adult (16+ yrs). This requires meeting the Dept. of State's specific criteria for passport renewal.
This reflects the cost of a new passport book for children (under 16 yrs) as found on the Dept. of State website. The child's parent/legal guardian must complete this process.
CDC Health & Travel Recommendations
Vaccines are the decision of the individual traveler unless there is a mandate put forth by the US or Colombia which applies to our travel dates.

Click here for more information from the CDC.